Struggling With Mom Pooch? Diastasis recti is the leading cause of lower belly mom pooch. Take the first steps to eliminating postnatal low back pain and find out if you have abdominal separation. I also provide effective solutions to help you resolve your diastasis recti and feel good in your body again.
Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Find Out If You Have Diastasis Recti

Did you know that 40% of women still have diastasis recti six months postpartum? Diastasis recti can lead to lower back pain, core instability, and the dreaded mom pooch. Every woman will experience diastasis recti during pregnancy, but for some, it never resolves on its own.

Post pregnancy, you may need to help the muscles become connected again to exercise optimally. If you are wondering whether you have diastasis recti or not, you can perform this quick test and see how well your abdominals have healed after birth.

After I had my first child, my core felt very weak, my back hurt, and I noticed some leaking when I laughed. Things like doing the dishes, leaning over for a diaper change, or folding laundry became a challenge.

I did this simple self-test for diastasis recti and found that I had a four-finger gap in my abdominals. Once I knew my core needed help to come back together, I was able to create a plan, and within a few weeks, my back pain and weakness were gone.

How Can I Tell If I Have Diastasis Recti After Pregnancy?

You may suspect you have diastasis recti if you notice coning or doming of your abdomen when washing your hair, picking up your kids, or trying to perform exercises such as sit-ups or planks. If you see this happening, you may have diastasis recti.

Or, if you are just curious, you can always do the self-test I discuss below. 

How Long Does Diastasis Recti Last After Pregnancy?

If abdominal separation is not addressed correctly once your little one has arrived, it may never go away. Some mothers have only a slight ab separation that heals itself postpartum within about six weeks.

If not, proper breathing and core exercises may need to be done. However, it is never too late to repair your diastasis recti. Whether three months or 30 years postpartum, you can strengthen your muscles and close the separation. 

When to Check for Diastasis Recti

Checking for diastasis recti can be done anytime, including during pregnancy. However, it is best to wait about six weeks postpartum before checking for diastasis recti.

After six weeks, your hormones have regulated, and your body has done most of its healing, so you can assess if you have any residual diastasis that needs addressing. 

postpartum woman checking for diastasis recti

Does Walking Help Diastasis Recti?

Walking after having a baby is a great way to introduce mild exercise and can help strengthen your abdominals. When we walk, our lower abdominal muscles move each leg which is beneficial for diastasis recti.

That said, it is not the most effective form of exercise to heal diastasis and most likely will not be completely healed with only walking. Doing specific movements that strengthen all layers of the abdominals and the pelvic floor, such as diaphragmatic breathing, bridges, and bird dogs.

Diastasis Recti Self-Test

In just a few minutes, you can quickly assess your core and see if you need to incorporate some ab-building movements. You don’t need equipment, just a comfortable place to lie down. Follow these steps to determine how strong your core is after having a baby.

postnatal woman doing a diastasis recti self test
  1. Lay on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Take your index and middle finger, place them 2 inches above your belly button and turn them horizontally.  
  3. Tuck your chin and slightly lift your head off the floor while pushing your fingers down. If there is separation, you will be able to feel a gap. 
  4. Determine how many fingers fit through the separation and the depth. 
  5. Repeat these steps at your belly button and 2 inches below your belly button. 

It is considered normal to have up to a two-finger width ab separation, but anything wider than that will need core strengthening exercises. Any depth in your core is a sign that your abdominals may be weak.

Once you determine how wide and deep your ab separation is, you will better know how to strengthen your core during your postpartum workouts. 

I Have Diastasis Recti; Now What?

You have a few options if you have done this self-test and discovered you have diastasis recti. If you’re ready to start immediately, check out my free two-week postpartum workout plan that can help you heal your abdominals immediately after birth.

You can also find a pelvic floor therapist to work with you individually on your imbalances or work with a pre/postnatal coach to give you exercises that will help strengthen your pelvic floor. Now that you have more knowledge, you can work to become a stronger and healthier you!